Captains Log Book: 12-in-1 Complete Boat Log Book to Record Passenger, Vessel and Trip Information, Boat Maintenance Log Book to Track Engine Hours, Repairs and Service, 120 Numbered Pages
“Book Descriptions: Scroll Down the Page to See the Interior/Pages of the Book★★★ 12-in-1 Captains Log Book ★★★Extra Pages/Features of this Book Include:✓ Vessel Information Pages✓ Inspections/Warranty Pages✓ Maintenance Schedule Pages✓ Important Contacts Page✓ Crew Roster✓ Passenger log✓ Engine Hours Tracker✓ Oil Change Tracker✓ Port and Starboard Fuel Tank Log✓ Communication Log✓ Spare Parts and Equipment✓ Vessel Expense Tracker✓ Service and Repair History✓ Travel Log✓ Travel Goals Log✓ Photograph Page✓ Accident/Incident Page✓ Table of Contents and Index✓ 120 Numbered Pages for Easy ReferenceHeadings of the Daily Captain's Log/Main Page:✓ Departure and Arrival - Date, Time Location, Coordinates✓ Stopover - Time and Coordinates✓ Personnel - Captain, Crew, Guest✓ Boat Status - Engine Hours, Fuel Level, Distance, Average Speed, Course, ETA✓ Weather Status - Forecast, Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Sea Strength, Temperature, Weather Conditions,✓ Notes and Observations✓ Logged By, Signature- Capture the memories of every journey- Maintain a comprehensive record of all maintenance performed- Ensure safety and compliance with maritime regulations by keeping detailed recordsSimplify record-keeping, enhance accountability, and protect your Vessel with confidence.Complete Order! Read more” DRIVE