“Book Descriptions: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), once referred to as multiple personality disorder, is a deeply complex and often misunderstood condition. Imagine living with two or more distinct parts of yourself, each with its own name, age, and story. These identities can feel like separate people within you, each emerging at different times, often in response to stress or certain triggers.This experience, known as "switching," can make life feel like a constant transition between different versions of yourself.At its core, DID is thought to develop as a way of coping with severe trauma, particularly during childhood. For many, this trauma may stem from ongoing emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. In these harrowing situations, dissociation acts as a protective mechanism, allowing individuals to escape from painful memories and emotions. By creating alternate identities, the mind finds a way to manage the overwhelming distress associated with those traumatic experiences. Therapists assert that guided therapeutic journaling is one of the most effective ways to explore your dissociative system, enabling you to reframe your outlook on life and social relationships while overcoming the challenges you face. This technique is particularly useful for addressing the hidden symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder, dissociation related to chronic anxiety and trauma, internal contradictions, various types of alters, suicidal behaviors, and other forms of self-harm.Through this workbook, you will find:Guided worksheets Inspired by ACT and CBT therapy for overcoming dissociation.Alters communication guided worksheets.Therapeutic strategies for mood problems.Practical worksheets for healing trauma-related dissociation .This workbook is your therapeutic roadmap for overcoming dissociative identity disorder in a supportive and transformative way. Read more” DRIVE