  • F*ck! I'm Dead. Now What?: 2023 End-of-Life Planner by generic: 8.5" x 11" Self-Help

    (By Elizabeth Keen Publishing)

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    Author Elizabeth Keen Publishing
    “Book Descriptions: END OF LIFE PLANNER WORKBOOKThe End of Life Planning Workbook is a thorough and helpful planner that covers everything your family will need to know upon your passing or incapacitation.... from Financial Information to Insurance Information and more! It will make it much easier for your loved ones to settle your affairs.This planner is organized into clear sections and easy to fill out.Inside, you'll find:PERSONAL RECORDSAll your personal information including legal name, address, parents' legal names, spouse and children's names, place of employment, etc.DATA & DOCUMENTSImportant contacts including name, phone, email and address of Attorney(s), Doctors, Relatives, Friends and OthersDevice Login Information for your phone, tablet and moreOnline account information for email addresses, social media accounts, etc.Important Documents locations and what to do with themINSURANCE INFORMATIONLife insurance, Car insurance, Health insurance and more!MY WILL INFORMATIONLocation of My Will, Power of Attorney, My Advanced Directive, Healthcare Power of Attorney, etc.FINANCIAL INFORMATIONBank Accounts, Credit Cards, Investment Accounts, Retirement Accounts, Outstanding Loans, Safe Deposit Boxes, Utilities Information, Current Bills, Other Financial InformationPROPERTY INFORMATIONMy Properties, Vehicle Information, Other Property OwnedMY END OF LIFE CARE PLANMy End of Life Wishes: people I want making medical decisions for me, what I DO NOT want at the end of my life, what I DO want at the end of my life, organ and tissue donor preference, etc.Additional Wishes/NotesMY WISHESMy wishes for my: Spouse/Significant Other, Children, Relatives, Friends, Pets, Other Wishes/RequestsMY LETTERS16 pages to write letters to whomever you wishMY APOLOGIESWrite any apologies you wishRECOMMENDATIONS FOR MY FUNERALWrite any plans or wishes for your funeralMY LAST WORDSWrite any last wordsBOOK DETAILS:Size 8.5" x 11" - plenty of size to write in and easily see138 Professionally designed black-and-white interior pages Read more”

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