  • The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anger: A Step-by-Step Program for Success

    (By William J. Knaus)

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    Author William J. Knaus
    “Book Descriptions: A radically effective and evidence-based anger management tool—deeply rooted in cutting-edge research

    We are living in an age of anger. You hear people squabbling on the news. Reality TV portrays people baiting others into anger. Neighbors are intolerant of neighbors. We see more frustration and intolerance for people with different political views, beliefs, and lifestyles. Anger is everywhere—and it has real risks, including heart disease and depression. So, how can you break free from painful, self-defeating, and dangerous anger traps?

    Drawing on the gold standard treatment for anger—cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)—and informed by the no-nonsense approach of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), this workbook is chock-full of powerful tools, exercises, and self-assessments to help you overcome destructive anger, once and for all. With this guide, you’ll discover skills for identifying and avoiding needless anger; staying cool when anger heats up; and forging a stronger, more capable, and rational sense of self.

    If your anger is getting in the way of your relationships, your career, your health, and your happiness, The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anger can help you take charge of your anger—and your life.”

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