“Book Descriptions: Inspired by a 2,000-year-old Chinese legend, Mulan is the first animated feature film to be primarily produced by Disney's studio in Orlando, Florida. This richly illustrated volume, The Art of Mulan, reveals the story behind the making of the film and includes more than 350 stunning color and black-and-white illustrations, showcasing a variety of art produced by the many talented artists who worked on the film.
Like film's heroine, the Disney artists who created Mulan made a journey of self-discovery that began with a momentous decision - to make a modern-day film adapted from an ancient Chinese source. Their efforts to remain faithful to the spirit of the original legend and the traditions of Shinese culture, while at the same time make it accessible to today's international audience, are chronicled in The Art of Mulan by the artists themselves. Their words reveal their passion while their art demonstrates the dazzling array of talent Disney committed to the making of a truly moving and spectacular film.” DRIVE