  • Hands On With Google Data Studio: A Data Citizen's Survival Guide

    (By Lee Hurst)

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    Author Lee Hurst
    “Book Descriptions: With more and more data in our lives, we need new ways to take control of that data and make sense of it in our professional, business, and community lives. Learning Google Data Studio can help you turn your data into useful information by providing an insight that you can then easily discuss and share with others.

    Data is now available more than ever for anyone with a computer and an internet connection to access. Even if you are miles away from being a data scientist, chances are good that you will want to, or need to pick up the ability to do data visualization.

    What does this mean? Well, the good news is that you now have free tools that let you access and visualize data in the same ways that large businesses and organizations do.

    You no longer have to wait for someone else to build an application that shows common business trends you may have missed otherwise. You no longer have to wait for someone in accouting to turn your budget data into a report. Small business owners are not at the mercy of a marketing partner to tell them how their websites or business listings are doing. Young professionals can now gather tons of public data, so they can then come to their own conclusions and share their insights with others. All you need now is a Gmail account, some curiosity and a guide to get you started!

    Let's build your first data set; you will learn how to navigate the Data Studio Main Interface to build on a blank canvas, learn to add style by changing your color palette, add a banner or a logo and more! You will be excited share this report with all of your colleauges!

    In this book, you will learn how to use Google Data Studio to access data all the way from the personal to public. You'll be able to turn that data into beautiful, interactive information all while learning the fundamentals of data visualization. You will then be able to share this information privately with individuals or even the whole world! We will take you step-by-step through practical and real life examples while sharing expert tips along the way. Get ready to take control of your data today by becoming a data citizen wiz!”

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