  • The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution: High-Production Methods for Small-Scale Farmers

    (By Andrew Mefferd)

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    Author Andrew Mefferd
    “Book Descriptions: Learn how to use natural no-till systems to increase profitability, efficiency, carbon sequestration, and soil health on your small farm.

    Farming without tilling has long been a goal of agriculture, yet tilling remains one of the most dominant paradigms; almost everyone does it. But tilling kills beneficial soil life, burns up organic matter, and releases carbon dioxide. If the ground could instead be prepared for planting without tilling, time and energy could be saved, soil organic matter increased, carbon sequestered, and dependence on machinery reduced.

    The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution is the comprehensive farmer-developed roadmap showing how no-till lowers barriers to starting a small farm, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, increases efficiency and profitability, and promotes soil health. This hands-on manual offers:

    Why roller-crimper no-till methods don't work for most small farms
    A decision-making framework for the four no-till methods: occulation, solarization, organic mulches grown in place, and applied to beds
    Ideas for starting a no-till farm or transitioning a working farm
    A list of tools, supplies, and sources.
    This is the only manual of its kind, specifically written for natural and small-scale farmers who wish to expand or explore chemical-free, regenerative farming methods.”

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