“Book Descriptions: A spirit-filled word feast, puzzling on life and death mysteries—rich with metaphor, surprise, earthpassion. Poet, theaterwoman and a longtime editor for the We’Moon Datebook, Bethroot Gwynn harvests her writing from decades among women who build their own houses, bury their own dead, invent their own ceremonies. Bethroot’s voice speaks both reverence for and quarrel with The Sacred in Her many female guises.
“...PreacherWoman for the Goddess stands apart with a light of clear-eyed vision... Bethroot Gwynn does not shy away from seeing and naming things as they are—both political and personal...she makes art of her observations, constructing exquisite, linguistic altars. Then, stepping out of the way, she turns the work over to a wild array of goddesses, inviting us on a healing journey of engagement and surrender. This book is magic, in the best sense.” — Carolyn Gage, playwright and activist” DRIVE