  • Spark: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success

    (By Angie Morgan)

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    Author Angie Morgan
    “Book Descriptions: Pinpointing leaders is not an easy task. 

    Every manager knows that within their organization, there are certain key employees who are "sparks"—those rare individuals who have a natural drive to not only get the job done, but to go far beyond what is called for. These special employees truly get more done in a day than others can accomplish in a week or more. 
    These “sparks” are the unique and essential people in your firm who can help transform your company in all sorts of magical ways. And it’s your job to find them, to empower them, and to enable them to become the true leaders that they are destined to become.
    Based on hard-earned insights and case studies gleaned from their military experience as well as corporate leadership training, authors Angie Morgan (U.S. Marine Corps), Courtney Lynch (U.S. Marine Corps), and Sean Lynch (U.S. Air Force) reveal how you can pinpoint the sparks within your ranks, and how you can unleash them to take your company to the next level.”

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