“Book Descriptions: Sunrise (English Edition) revolves around Chen Bailu and Fang Dasheng, regarding Chen's living room and Baohe Xiachu, a third class brothel as its arenas to vividly reveal people from all walks of life before the audience and unveil the nature of the system of feudal exploitation characterized by "harming the weak and serving the strong". In artistic creation, the author tried to present the real society life by adopting the cross-sectional description. Therefore, Sunrise has the documentary features, and everything in it is like things in real life instead of those in a "play".《日出(英文版)》以陈白露和方达生为中心,以陈的客厅和三等妓院宝和下处为活动场所,把社会各阶层各色人等的生活展现在观众面前,揭露剥削制度“损不足以奉有余”的本质。在艺术创作上,作者采用横断面的描写,力求写出社会生活的真实面貌,因而《日出》具有纪实性特点,一切都像生活本身而不像“戏”。” DRIVE