“Book Descriptions: The comedy centers around Peter, a bachelor in his mid-thirties. He desperately wants to win back his girlfriend Jana and asks his friend Midge for help. Midge, another loner unable to form a long-lasting relationship with a woman, has gone through many break-ups and therefore considered himself an expert. Petr also has to pay a visit to his discontented parents.
His mother ruined the family by endless preaching. She developed a strong passion for blood donation and gets alarmed by the war in Chechnya. The father, a former commentator of communist newsreel, escapes to his own thoughts. He is preoccupied with the idea of whether a light bulb would fit in a mouth. Peter's neighbour, a composer fighting hard to get royalties for performance of his music by synthesizers in elevators, also is revealed to be at least a bit insane.” DRIVE