  • Black Moon Lilith Cosmic Alchemy Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

    (By Adama Sesay)

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    Author Adama Sesay
    “Book Descriptions: A 44-card oracle deck that combines the esoteric wisdom of astrology, mystical deities, and hermetic alchemy to guide your self-empowerment and manifestation journey.Black Moon Lilith Cosmic Alchemy is a tool for deep self-reflection and inner transformation. The cards aim to heal and take the dark divine feminine’s ancient power back. The cards are divided into four categories:Black Moon Lilith cards, which dive into the 12 placements of Black Moon Lilith Dark Divine Archetype cards, which explore archetypes such as Lilith and EveAstrological Planet cardsAlchemy Ascension cards, which involve the 12 gates of alchemyAstrology is your cosmic map of shadow work. When you hold up the mirror, that is when the true healing work begins. It can reveal ancestral trauma, subconscious blocks, codependency, and energetic shadows that hold you back. Not only is Black Moon Lilith a metaphysical tool for healing—your entire birth chart is. When matched with hermetic alchemy, it can empower you as a manifester and conscious creator of your own reality. Read more”

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